Veterans are the Bomb-Diggity

I am so grateful for the Veterans in our country. I am grateful for all they've done to make our freedom possible. I am so proud of Hank and his friends who have sacrificed so much so that I can have a better life. No one should have to go through the things they have, but they know that someone has to and they do it willingly. That is real courage. Real love. Thank you Veterans.


Jaime said…
It is so sweet to see Hank in his military uniform with his tiny baby. Very touching... I, too, am grateful for those serving our country.
Dirk and Trish said…
Short and sweet, and way more eloquent than what I rambled about. I love seeing the softer side of someone so strong. Did one of you make her hat? Too cute! (the hat, baby, and daddy!)
Welsh Woman said…
Yes thank you! So many people are caught up in why we shouldn't be there that they forget the people who put their lives on the line everyday. We always need to keep them in our prayers. Thank you for the reminder Danica.
Unknown said…
Love the pictures. And, you're absolutely right, we thank and love our veterans! Loved that last quirky Danica post too, by the way. Lol, things I never knew about you.

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