Update - Good news and bad news
So, nothing is for sure yet, but I thought I better update everyone on where we're going next. We were told that Hank was being sent to Korea, but we never got the orders to go. Then the other day we were told that he will actually be sent to Fort Huachuca, Arizona to be an instructor for the Human Intelligence Collection school.* Yeah, from Korea to Arizona. That's a big difference. If that is the case then I will be able to go with him and we'll be there till his military term ends in a year and a half. The sad part is that I won't be going to Utah, afterall. But being together for the first year of Jessica's life will be wonderful. I'll keep you updated.
*Because the Army has a bad habit of changing its mind at the last minute, all information is subject to change.
This is Jackie, from THS, by the way.
Your little girl is DARLING!