Remembering Anna
Click on the picture to see an enlarged view of Anna's headstone. Jessica pointed to the engraved baby and said, "Anna" and then pointed to Jesus and said, "Jesus." It's amazing how clearly she understands everything that's going on. Sometimes I think she understands more than we do.
Soon after we got home from Utah in July, a friend brought us dinner and these beautiful mini yellow roses. They weren't doing very well indoors, so I looked it up online and found that they could revive if planted outside. When I went out of town in August Hank planted them outside for me. For a couple months nothing happened and we thought they were gone. Then the other day we went outside and saw blooms! They're so tiny and gorgeous.
We went on a "Walk to Remember" the other day. It was a 1.5 mi walk or 5k run. Then they had a poetry reading and balloon release. Check here to see if there's an event this month in your area. I also made super-easy pink and blue ribbons to wear this month. (Email me if you'd like me to mail you one.)
"We Walk for the Steps They Will never Take"
Anna, we love you and will always remember you.