Bright Eyes

So, this is what Jessica always looks like. When she's awake, she's WIDE awake. Everyone who sees her says, "she has such big eyes!" The funny thing is they said the exact same thing when I was a baby. My mom has pictures of me with my eyes the size of saucers. Like Mommy, like baby. :)


bradyandjess said…
...and she's always dressed so cute too! I love you squeakers!
Brenda said…
She looks like such a little dolly in that cute outfit! Can't wait to see her in real life! When are you coming for Christmas?
Chrissy said…
She has beautiful eyes!!! Oh she is so precious :)
Sister Sommers said…
Oh she is so cute! Don't you love girls clothes..
Hunter Family said…
She is so adorable! That's how Shaun was until he was about 1. Just in shock. :)
Russell Family said…
That is such a cute little outfit. More pictures!!!!!! :)

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