Drumroll Please....

Baby Tolman #4 is on its way!

Yep, we're expecting another little one and we're so excited!  I'm due April 17th, 2013, which makes me 14 weeks along now.  We have had a couple ultrasounds already and aside from pushing our due date back a couple weeks (from April 1st) everything is looking great!  

I have been very lucky and have not been very sick at all.  I have been overly exhausted, but that might have something to do with the two monkeys I chase around all day.  I also have a strange pain in my right leg, but that may be totally unrelated. :) 

 In an effort to prevent another preterm birth I am going to start getting weekly shots of progesterone.  Hopefully it works and I'll be able to avoid bedrest and another stay in the NICU.  

The kids are pretty happy, too.  Cameron is still clueless, but Jessica can't wait for the new baby.  She's really hoping for a little sister.  Hank thinks it's a girl, too, but I'm thinking boy.  We'll find out in a couple weeks!


Jaime said…
Congratulations! So happy for you and hope everything goes well. Nice that you aren't super sick.
star said…
Wonderful news! So exciting! I hope all continues to go well for you guys.
Randi said…
Thanks for sharing your blog address on fb! I was starting to think I was the only person who still blogs :) I am so excited for you guys!! Boy or girl that baby is going to be adorable :)
Chrissy said…
Yay for another cute Tolman baby!!!!
Unknown said…
Maybe the baby is growing in your leg and that's why it hurts.
tricia said…
I can't wait to see what you're having! I'm glad you're not feeling too sick and I hope that progesterone works!
Sarah said…
Just what Jaime said - and more yay's!!
Brenda said…
So exciting!!!!! Your mom was telling me about your tiredness and pain, you guys just need to move back here, where we can take care of you!
Shannon said…
congratulations danica!!
Dirk and Trish said…
So happy for your adorable expanding family! Miss you guys! Would love to meet your little ones some day.
Sassyfrass said…
So happy for you guys!!! Congratulations! Praying for an easy and uneventful pregnancy all the way through April.
Unknown said…
Very excited for your family! Kind of dying to know boy or girl! :)

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