My Trophy

Be prepared for a long, boring post. So, this has been an interesting week...I've been laying in bed for the past three weeks, but last Sunday night I started to feel contractions. Let me start out by saying I feel contractions ALL the time. I'm talking the braxton-hicks practice contractions. With each of my pregnancies I felt them earlier, this time starting at 13 weeks. And I usually have several a day. Well, the thing that made them noticeable on Sunday was that they were getting really close together. My doctor had told me to call if I ever had four in one hour, even if they weren't painful. Well, at about 9pm I started noticing that they were about 20 minutes apart. So I told Hank to stand by and I called a nurse friend of mine. I told her that my back kind of hurt, I felt a "pressure" in my stomach, and that by then the contractions were 12 minutes apart. She said YES, call your doctor and go to the hospital. Well, the doctor said the same thing ...