California, Here We Come! (Part 1 of 3)

For our first full-fledged family vacation in several years, we took a trip to beautiful Northern California! We drove out there, and it was quite an adventure. The kids had several seating arrangements to choose from in our tiny little 15 passenger van! -- We actually took out 5 of the seats, so there were only 10. We have 8, so I guess there wasn't too much extra space to move around, but there was enough that the kids could mix things up and move around. Our first stop on the journey was actually a little place Danica and I found quite a few years back. We were up at the Utah State Capitol Building and noticed a giant tower way out near the Great Salt Lake. We wondered what it was and decided to go out and find out. On this trip, we showed the kids what we had found. It's actually the Kennecott Garfield Smelter Stack. It looks rather impressive up close, and also from far away. The reason is that this smelter stack is the largest free-standing structure...