e-Mealz: My New Best Friend

Please note: this is our old kitchen, not our new one...and yes, that's the whole thing.

So, in my quest to cook more this year I found a great tool that has made my life a lot easier. It's a program called e-Mealz. For just $5 a month you get a weekly menu and grocery list. The menu includes easy to follow recipes. I've only been doing it for a little while now, but Hank absolutely loves it. Not only am I actually getting dinner on the table every night, but there's suddenly variety in what we eat. And so far every meal I've tried has been super easy and done in less than 30 minutes. The grocery lists are great, too. They're organized by aisle so it's easy to get in and out of the store. The idea is to save you time and money by eliminating the stress of staring into the pantry every night at 5:00, trying to figure out what to make. So, I highly recommend this site: www.mealtimemakeover.com. Check it out!


M.C. Sommers said…
Look at you in your cute little apron! That is such a fabulous resource. I love cooking, but I hate planning the meals and doing the shopping so this would be a dream come true for me!
Welsh Woman said…
thanks for the post, i'm definately going to need to try that!
Unknown said…
Fine, fine, I'll try it. :) Honestly, this is exactly the sort of thing I've been looking for, as I'm useless at coming up with meals on my own and hate the extravagent recipes I find in cookbooks. On a side note, you look so cute!

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